Monday 7 May 2012

The Beauty of Brick

This is a piece I did for my good friend Paul Svoboda. This man can admire and enjoy studying a building, or even a simple brick wall, for hours, taking pictures every now and then, standing back to take it all in, coming closer to look at the details, taking in all the textures, the ornament, the irregularities, the imperfections, the ware and tare of time and just simply enjoy soaking in the whole thing. I studied architecture and I have to lay my hands down and say I don't feel anywhere near as interested as this man in the built environment. But then you see Paul's work, he is a computer environmental artist for gaming platforms, and you can see where all this attention to detail and architecture goes, his work is superb. Check it out if you want , it's amazing. So this piece was a homage to him and his love of brick and slightly decrepit buildings.

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