Sunday, 29 April 2012

J N Brown

I was just having some fun sketching a while back, and thought I'd have a go at doing my friend Jon Brown, and it turned out alright. So I took it and scanned it and added his wonderful name. (the hand is a little bit of a scrawl and not great but its still a fun little sketch =))


A class band, I've only really listened to youtube videos of these guys playing a few songs live across the globe and they have all been great. Quite a different sound to most bands, and the leads voice might take some getting used to for some, but it's definitely worth it. Such good music, enjoy =)

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Christmas Cards No. 2

I designed 8 different cards, so these are the second half of them 
Feel free to comment on them, what you like, your fav, and also to critique, artistic critique is always welcome 

Josh Garrels with Bells

Josh Garrels has been one of the best artists I've found out about this year, his new album Love & War & The Sea In Between is simply amazing and the fact that you can download it free online is just crazy. I would highly recommend him to anyone and I think quite a few others have been discovering him over the past few months and have been as amazed as I am. So you should check him out, and this is a really cool video of him playing a song with a large accompaniment including bells. Enjoy!

Friday, 27 April 2012

My Own Christmas Cards =)

This Christmas I decided to design and create my own cards to send out to people, unluckily Christmas is a busy time of year and I only finished them a few days before so I only managed to give them to a few people. But there are many more Christmas' to come and I will probably use them again.

To create them I started by researching and sketching out ideas, then I drew them up on my computer, scanned in some watercolour textures before fitting them into the shapes of the drawings. I then framed the images with some great Christmas Bible verses. Finally I printed them onto some nice watercolour paper and wallah they were done.
this is the first 4

Thursday, 26 April 2012

A new artist I've come across, and a pretty cool song

Grace Church Christmas Service

For our Family Christmas Eve Service at Grace I helped put together a Christmas Graphic for the event. I designed and created the baubles that were used on it and then Jon Brown got the text and finished piece together. It was a fun little project that I enjoyed helping out with, and I was able to use the skills that I learnt during my degree as I used Microstation, an Architectural program, to draw them up before converting them.I thought it came out looking pretty good, let me know what you think =)

Back from a Long Break .....

Hey, well here goes my first post in a number of months. It definitely has been a while and I'm sorry to those who were hoping to see more go up and it obviously hasn't. I will now try to get posts up at semi regular intervals =)
Well I guess I should get going ..